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Golden image

Perform automatic bootstrap on first agent start upΒΆ

Use a simple automatic bootstrap feature for the agent by defining the bootstrap key in the qbee-agent.json.

sudo cat /etc/qbee/qbee-agent.json
On startup, qbee-agent will detect that you have defined the bootstrap key in your config, do the bootstrap and start itself upon successful authentication. In order to initiate this the following command needs to be executed in the start-up.
sudo systemctl start qbee-agent

From the system logs we can now see that on service start the qbee-agent detects the presence of a bootstrap key and starts itself

sudo journalctl -u qbee-agent
Sep 14 11:50:50 qbeedemo qbee-agent[1483]: 2023/09/14 11:50:50 [INFO] Found bootstrap key, bootstrapping device.
Sep 14 11:50:50 qbeedemo qbee-agent[1483]: 2023/09/14 11:50:50 [INFO] Preparing agent directories
Sep 14 11:50:50 qbeedemo qbee-agent[1483]: 2023/09/14 11:50:50 [INFO] Generating new private key
Sep 14 11:50:50 qbeedemo qbee-agent[1483]: 2023/09/14 11:50:50 [INFO] Gathering system information
Sep 14 11:50:50 qbeedemo qbee-agent[1483]: 2023/09/14 11:50:50 [INFO] Sending bootstrap request to
Sep 14 11:50:51 qbeedemo qbee-agent[1483]: 2023/09/14 11:50:51 [INFO] Preparing agent directories
Sep 14 11:50:51 qbeedemo qbee-agent[1483]: 2023/09/14 11:50:51 [INFO] Bootstrap successfully completed
Sep 14 11:50:51 qbeedemo qbee-agent[1483]: 2023/09/14 11:50:51 [INFO] Please remember to start the qbee-agent service as administrative user
Sep 14 11:50:51 qbeedemo qbee-agent[1483]: 2023/09/14 11:50:51 [INFO] Detected start command based on OS attributes is: $ systemctl start qbee-agent
Sep 14 11:50:51 qbeedemo qbee-agent[1483]: 2023/09/14 11:50:51 [INFO] Preparing agent directories
Sep 14 11:50:51 qbeedemo qbee-agent[1483]: 2023/09/14 11:50:51 [INFO] starting agent scheduler

This feature makes it possible to create golden images containing only the agent itself along with a simple config file containing the bootstrap key.