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Introduction to the qbee agent

The qbee agent is a highly optimized and lightweight piece of software that needs to be installed on each device to allow the platform to manage that device.

The qbee agent has been released as open source under the Apache License Version 2.0.

Find the source code here.

  • written in GO

  • lightweight and extremely robust

  • very few external dependencies for increased security

  • Consists of two parts, the configuration engine and the remote access

  • communicates with TCP over port 443 (https)

  • runs on basically any Linux and any hardware architecture

  • state based, pull based

  • open source

The following packages are pre-build. Please reach out if you need others.

ARM 32-bitDebian basedarmhf
ARM 64-bitDebian basedarm64
Intel x86_64Debian basedamd64
Intel i386Debian basedi386

We also have YOCTO packages available. Support can help you with any questions.

The agent functionality

The qbee agent needs to be bootstrapped as described in bootstrapping. But additional command line parameters are available.

$ sudo qbee-agent bootstrap -h
Usage: qbee-agent [global options] <command> [options] [<command> [options] ...]

  -k, --bootstrap-key BOOTSTRAP_KEY    Set the bootstrap key found in the user profile.  [required]  
      --disable-remote-access          Disable remote access.                            [optional]  
      --device-name DEVICE_NAME        Custom device name to use.                        [optional]  
  -t, --tpm-device TPM_DEVICE          TPM device to use (e.g. /dev/tpm0).               [optional]  
      --proxy-host PROXY_HOST          HTTP proxy host to use.                           [optional]  
      --proxy-port PROXY_PORT          HTTP proxy port to use.                           [optional]  
      --proxy-user PROXY_USER          HTTP proxy username.                              [optional]  
      --proxy-password PROXY_PASSWORD  HTTP proxy password.                              [optional]

For ideas how to deploy devices please visit the "deployment" menu. There it is also described how to use a proxy.