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Security & Linux Hardening

Industry 4.0 IoT deployments require top-tier security, and at qbee, we provide advanced Linux hardening and security measures, including continuous vulnerability scans. Our tools manage ssh keys, user access, firewall settings, and prioritize rapid patching of vulnerabilities. Trust qbee to ensure your IoT devices meet stringent industry standards.

Keep you Device Fleet Secure

Detect vulnerabilities, patch libraries and harden your OS

Flexible OS Patching

Update all or specific operating system libraries if they prove vulnerable. Use the standard repository or create an overlay repository with qbee to patch even quicker. This allows also to patch legacy devices.

Secure Remote Access with VPN

Gain secure remote access to any port on your edge devices via end-to-end encrypted tunneling. Activate remote access dynamically as needed for support, ensuring both convenience and security.

Self-healing Agent

The lightweight qbee agent is a state based system. This means that it will receive a configuration definition and keep it, even if the network is down or things are changed. If the firewall changes qbee will reset it to the desired state.

Auto-Detect CVE Vulnerabilities

qbee constantly checks any installed libraries for current or future CVE vulnerabilities. This gives you and audit of your fleet's security and allows you to quickly patch any libraries that have issues.

Consistent Configuration

Use the included configuration management engine to configure large numbers of devices in a consistent and defined way. Define users, passwords, firewall rules and rotate ssh keys or certificates.

Audit Log over all Activities

The qbee audit log keeps a consistent trail of all system changes and it also logs all remote access to the platform (if those are allowed). Get notified if your process fails or is restarted.

Security Management Features

Users & passwords

Define which users are allowed on the system. qbee will constantly remove all others. Check password age and hash.

OTA updates

Improve your Linux security hardening by frequent OTA updates. Define latest or specific library version.

CVE vulnerability scan

qbee continuously scans your devices for new libraries and syncs with the NIST CVE database to detect vulnerabilities.


UI based firewall configuration for system, groups or single devices. The basis of Linux hardening. Detect ports.

Rotate ssh keys

Distribute or rotate ssh keys. Secure ssh access and control who has ssh keys on the edge devices.

Distribute certificates

Use our advanced file distribution and scripting to distribute certificates. This can also be done through our REST API.

Secure remote access

Use the integrated secure remote access even though all external ports are closed. This can be switched off.

2 factor authentication

Use 2 factor authentication with mail or Google authenticator to make your login more secure.

State based configuration

State based configuration defines state not actions. Enable spare devices to immediately receive correct configuration.

Protecting large-scale IoT deployments is a complex challenge, but qbee has you covered. Our focus is on increasing edge device security by hardening Linux, keeping defined configurations and gathering valuable insights into your fleet. Last but not least, the SaaS solution itself is built with maximum security in mind, freeing you from the burden of operating such a service.

IoT device security is a topic that mandates a lot of experience both with regards to securing the edge hardware but also the infrastructure to operate those. qbee will help you with pre-defined automations in a simple UI to manage passwords and ssh keys and much more.

When the Linux security hardening part is concluded you can use the secure VPN to have remote access or you can disbale this if your customers do not want a VPN functionality.  

Our integrated CVE vulnerability scan identifies any problems with your libraries, while our extensive software inventory allows you to quickly see which package versions are deployed and which edge devices need additional Linux security hardening. And with OTA updates for software or OS packages, you can update large fleets of devices in near real-time or define an appropriate update window. Trust qbee to help you secure your IoT deployments and ensure compliance with industry standards.

Ready to stop struggling with IoT security?

Focus on your key business objectives and use qbee to achieve industry leading security and control of your IoT device fleet. Use our flexible OS patching to achieve low risk Linux updates with a very quick turnaround time between security vulnerability detection and resolution.

Increase security
Low risk updates
CVE detection