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Tag: linux

Qbee Container OS – Securing Embedded Linux Devices Under the CRA

The upcoming Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) forces companies to rethink how they secure, operate, and update their connected devices. One of the biggest challenges is maintaining an up-to-date and secure operating system (OS). Today, companies typically choose between two approaches to managing their OS: Package-based OS management (using Debian, RPM,

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Linux Device Management – Make or buy?

How is your CRM development team getting along with the coding? – Oh, you have just subscribed to Hubspot? How is John from the basement doing? He who can fix any computer problem? – OK, he has retired… Ah, and you have outsourced IT operations for your PCs? Sounds a

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Ansible Integration with qbee: Automating Linux Fleet Management

Managing a large fleet of Linux devices can be challenging, especially when it comes to secure access and automation. While provides robust out-of-the-box automation features that often are enough for the average device management requirements, some organizations have existing Ansible playbooks or require specific automation workflows. Today, we’ll explore

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iot devices with individual settings

How to Handle 1 Million IoT Devices with Individual settings?

“If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail” The saying, “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail,” also applies to the complexities of Linux device fleet management. Like many challenges, the architecture of any device or server consists of layers, typically

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